A Summer Bouquet of gorgeous pink, purple, and orange mums with a yellow daisy sits inside a basket set upon a wooden picnic table. The flowers are the perfect perching spot for a blue bird, nuthatch, and yellow finch bird. The top quarter of the puzzle has a blurred background, which may make it more challenging. Cobble Hill was founded in 2005 with a desire to bring loving, whimsical, high-quality images to puzzle enthusiasts around the world! Our puzzles have been described as nostalgic, lively, endearing, sweet, durable, and fine quality.
SKU | COB40205 |
Barcode # | 625012402057 |
Brand | Cobble Hill |
Shipping Weight | 0.5000kg |
Shipping Width | 0.100m |
Shipping Height | 0.001m |
Shipping Length | 0.100m |
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